RHC ETIP Horizontal Working Groups & our Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

The Horizontal Working Groups (HWGs) of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC ETIP) tell us about their contributions to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Climate-neutral Heating and Cooling in Europe (RHC ETIP SRIA) and their next steps.

HWG 100% RE Buildings

RHC ETIP's 100% RE Buildings Horizontal Working Group has contributed with expert inputs to RHC ETIP’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda document which has been presented during the 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Future - 100% RHC Event 2020. HWG buildings' experts composed a dedicated section on  buildings within the RHC ETIP SRIA, outlining the main challenges  for the sector and providing valuable input and insights across the whole building fleet.

More information: avagianos@bioenergyeurope.org

HWG 100% RE Cities

Over the second half of 2020, the Horizontal Working Group 100% Renewable Energy Cities contribution to the RHC ETIP's SRIA included the participation to the preparatory workshops organised to debate around the key research and innovation areas to be tackled, and to the RHC ETIP General assembly, presenting the outcomes of the work of the HWG 100% Cities over the year.

The work of the HWG on 100% Renewable Cities was notably focused on the following priorities:

  • Definition of a 100% Renewable energy city.
  • Agency of citizens: elective power, protests, crucial role as investors, financers.
  • 100% RE cities is a very political challenge: requires considering the complexity of the city (social, economic, infrastructure…)
  • Citizens must be at the center of HWG inputs in topics: energy communities and rest of citizens (not all can be proactive for energy transition in a city)
  • Cities as the ensemble that includes district that may be “RE energy islands” (e.g. positive energy district): challenge to integrate and build on these districts

More information: t.garabetian@egec.org

HWG 100% RE Districts

The Horizontal Working Group 100% Renewable Energy Districts has provided district-related inputs to the overall RHC ETIP's SRIA , identifying future research priorities on efficiency gains and temperature reduction in DHC systems, energy system integration, and decarbonisation, as well as contributing to transversal topics such as digitalisation, social and policy innovation and circularity.

In addition, in November 2020 elections have been held for the chair and co-chair position of the working group, with Sabine Putz (SOLID) being appointed as new chair and Giorgio Bonvicini (RINA Consulting) as new co-chair.

More information: sl@euroheat.org and ap@euroheat.org

HWG 100% RE Industries

The Horizontal Working Group 100% Renewable Energy Industries contributed to the RHC ETIP's SRIA development with a particular focus on the industrial perspective. During the webinar organised by the RHC-ETIP to present the draft SRIA to external stakeholders and collect inputs and feedback, Sophie Knoetter presented the priorities and the work done during the previous month, whilst Christian Holter spoke on behalf of the HWG during the RHC ETIP's annual conference, 100% RHC Event, on October 15th. New experts joined the group and the next meeting, which will take place in January 2021, will focus on the development of the roadmap for 2021.

More information: irene.dipadua@solarheateurope.eu

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