RHC ETIP stakeholders are groups (represented by an individual) or individuals interested in some aspects of the platform’s work. These stakeholders will not be directly part of the platform structure as members, but they will be involved before, during and after the drafting of strategic documents through direct meetings, webinars and consultation processes.
As of 2019, a specific effort is put on national stakeholder involvement in order to discuss the translation of EU-level R&I strategies and legislation on national level, funding opportunities and country-specific challenges to reach a 100% renewable H&C system by 2050.
RHC ETIP Stakeholders are:
- Representatives of the European Institutions and national governments working in a field in relation with the development of the renewable heating and cooling sector.
- Representatives from companies and industries that are not directly dealing with renewable heating and cooling but are looking into ways of decarbonising their sector.
- Representatives from associations in other connected sectors such as: buildings associations, electricity, transport, citizen organisation, environmental NGOs and think tanks.
- Would you like to receive targeted information to participate to RHC-ETIP’s events in your country and/or according to your expertise?
RHC ETIP organises the 100% RHC Event, national round-tables and webinars to exchange views on key topics about the integration of renewable energies in the heating and cooling sector.
- Would you like to be part of the RHC ETIP’s Horizontal Working Groups?
Depending on your interests, RHC ETIP organises public consultations and other actions related to the RHC-ETIP Horizontal Working Groups on 100% Renewable buildings, industries, cities, districts and strategic documents.
- Would you like to have first-hand access to the RHC ETIP’s draft strategic documents and provide feedback to improve them ?
RHC-ETIP prepares three strategic documents. We would like to count on your expert contributions to improve the upcoming one: the Deployment and implementation study for the RHC sector, to be released in 2021.
You can already download the ‘2050 Vision for 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling in Europe’, published in 2019, and the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Climate-neutral Heating and Cooling in Europe. released in 2020.
If you answered ‘yes!’ to one or more of the questions above, become a stakeholder or contact us!