100% RHC Event, one step closer to climate-neutral heating and cooling in Europe
The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling gathered 160 attendees and 16 high-level speakers during its annual conference, which took place online on the 15th October 2020.
19 October 2020 – The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling – RHC ETIP’s annual conference was the perfect occasion to make public the latest RHC ETIP’s publication ‘Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Climate-neutral Heating and Cooling in Europe’.
Marisol Oropeza (matters.mx), guided the audience through the sessions of the day including a keynote speech by the Chair of the RHC ETIP, Javier Urchueguía and the panel sessions below:
RHC ETIP & Clean Energy Transition SRIA's
An interview led by Marta San Román (Orkli), with Michael Hübner, coordinator of the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems, and Javier Urchueguía. The discussion focused on synergies and differences between the RHC ETIP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Clean Energy Partnership Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, which Javier and Michael lead respectively.
Innovative Technology Developments
The interview was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Reghina Dimitrisina (EGEC), on innovative technology developments for a 100% renewable heating and cooling sector. Representatives from the Horizontal Working Groups of the RHC ETIP (on cities, buildings, industries and industries) shared their views on the main developments and research and innovation needs to make possible a future based on 100% renewable heating and cooling sources.
The Lithuanian Perspective
Eglé Randyté (VšĮ Atnaujinki-me miestą) moderated the national roundtable ‘The Lithuanian perspective’. Darius Biekša (Lithuanian Energy Agency), Indre Buteniene (City of Klaipeda), Liudas Getautas (Lithuanian Heat Pump Association), Valdas Lukoševičius (Lithuanian District Heating Association) joined the discussion about challenges and opportunities in the renewable heating and cooling sector in Lithuania. Currently, biomass technologies are thriving given their low cost compared to other technologies in Lithuania.
Closing remarks
As closing remarks, Javier Urchueguía highlighted that policymakers require long-term plannings to satisfy citizens’ needs. He also pointed out that we need the renewable heating and cooling technologies to come up into the broad picture in Europe. The ‘Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Climate-neutral Heating and Cooling in Europe’ and RHC ETIP’s strategic documents are the contribution from the platform to help policymakers to answer citizens’ needs.
The recording of the event is available here and you can download the presentations here.
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