Meet the New Chair and Co-chair of the 100% RE Districts Horizontal Working Group
The RHC-ETIP’s Horizontal Working Group (HWG) Districts has elected a new chair and co-chair that succeed Dave Pearson, Director of Star Renewable Energy. The members of the HWG Districts would like to thank Dave for his dedication, leading the working group since its creation in 2018!
Sabine Putz, Head of R&D at SOLID Solar Energy Systems, will chair the group, while Giorgio Bonvicini (RINA Consulting) will be the new co-chair. Meet the new chairs!
Sabine Putz
Sabine Putz is Senior Engineer and Head of R&D at SOLID Solar Energy Systems since 2009. In these 11 years Sabine Putz had the lead of several national, European and international research projects around large scale solar heating and cooling for industry as well as for solar district heating. She was involved in IEA SHC TASK 38, TASK 45 (Subtask Lead) and TASK 49. Sabine Putz is the Operating Agent of IEA SHC TASK 55 “Towards the Integration of Large SHC Systems into District Heating and Cooling (DHC) Networks”, where she has established a platform for research and industry experts dealing with the integration of solar thermal systems (including other renewable technologies like heat pumps and large seasonal heat storages) in existing and new district heating networks. Since 2015 Sabine Putz is evaluating research projects for the European Commission in the field of Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic as she has another 11 years of experience in Photovoltaics.
Giorgio Bonvicini
Giorgio Bonvicini is Senior Energy Engineer at RINA Consulting and Certified Energy Manager according to Italian regulations; during the last eight years, he has conducted around 100 energy audits for compliance with the EU Energy Efficiency Directive and for voluntary sustainability projects. Moreover, he has delivered technical assistances to policymakers, IFIs and private corporates in the field of energy transition, including energy/resource efficiency and renewable sources.
Mr. Bonvicini is active as energy expert in EU co-funded projects on district heating and cooling and sustainable cities and industries. The experience developed in the CELSIUS, DIMMER, PLANHEAT, SO-WHAT, REUSEHEAT, REWARDHEAT projects covers the development and monitoring of innovative solutions for renewable and sustainable (e.g. industrial/urban excess heat) sources into LT-DHC solutions, the execution of feasibility/replication studies and the analysis of bankability of DHC solutions, but also the realization of IT tools for mapping H&C demand in cities/districts and matching it with available low-carbon heat sources.