
The geothermal panel of the RHC-Platform was launched on 15 April 2009 and is composed today of over 300 geothermal experts from the industry and research sectors.

The Secretariat of the panel is managed by the European Geothermal Energy Council – EGEC.

The establishment of a geothermal panel is a key important step to help accelerate the development of geothermal technology so that it can quickly become a significant energy resource in Europe.

The panel works at tackling the main challenges of the geothermal heating and cooling sector and presenting the contribution of geothermal energy towards a 100 % Renewable heating and cooling scenario in Europe.

The main challenge that the Panel is constantly working on is attracting investments in R&I in order to accelerate the development of geothermal technology and bring it to the market.

What is the TP working on?

  • Contributing to the key Strategic Research and Innovation documents of the RHC Platform
  • Monitoring and continuous update of Research and Innovation priorities according to the latest technology developments of the geothermal energy sector

Short summary of past achievements or publications within the platform:

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2023)

Vision for Deep Geothermal (2020)

Implementation Roadmap for Deep Geothermal (2019)

The publications present and describe the new research and innovation priorities in order to answer the current and future challenges of the energy sector in Europe. Moreover, they give a concise overview of the current and future state of geothermal technology, its technical and financial requirements.