Workshop Projects

The Eu­ro­pean Tech­nol­ogy and In­no­va­tion Plat­form on Re­new­able Heat­ing and Cool­ing (RHC ETIP) is or­gan­is­ing a tech­ni­cal work­shop in the frame­work of its an­nual event, which will be held in Helsinki (FI) on 28 Oc­to­ber 2019.

The scope of the work­shop is to show­case in­no­v­a­tive pro­jects re­lated to re­new­able heat­ing and cool­ing tech­nolo­gies and best prac­tices for their de­ploy­ment and in­te­gra­tion. The ob­jec­tive is to give vis­i­bil­ity to promis­ing R&I pro­jects and to favour ex­change of knowl­edge among sec­tor stake­hold­ers. The work­shop will be di­vided in four ses­sions, re­spec­tively fo­cus­ing on in­di­vid­ual build­ings, dis­tricts, cities and in­dus­tries. Three to four pro­jects/best prac­tices will be pre­sented in each ses­sion.


You will find below the title or short description of the projects that will be presented during the 100% RHC Workshop:


  • GEOFIT, presented by Marco Calderoini, R2M Solution
  • Heating and cooling technologies for the day after tomorrow, presented by Thomas Noll, easy-tnt and Aqua2Power
  • Heat4Cool, presented by Rossano Scoccia, Department of Energy – Politecnico di Milano
  • AgroBioHeat, presented by Giulia Cancian, Bioenergy Europe



  • Star’s Neatpump, presented by Nicky Cowan, Star Renewable Energy
  • Helen, presented by Martti Kukkola, Oilon Oy
  • MEMPHIS – Methodology to Evaluate and Map the Potential of Waste Heat from Industry, Service Sector and Sewage Water by Using Internationally Available Open Data, presented by Johannes Pelda, HAWK – University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Hybrid Hydro Power Plant (HHPP), cogeneration of Electrical and Thermal Power, presented by Bernhard Puttke, JAT Consulting KG
  • Hotmaps – The open source mapping and planning tool for heating and cooling, presented by Mostafa Fallahnejad, TU Wien


During spring 2019, the RHC ETIP launched a call for ab­stracts to se­lect the pro­jects to be show­cased. The pro­jects/best prac­tices re­late to one or more of these cat­e­gories:

  • new or improved technologies for solar thermal, geothermal and bioenergy;
  • new or improved technologies for thermal networks, heat pumps and thermal storage;
  • development or demonstration of hybrid systems;
  • planning and management tools at district and city level;
  • socio-economic analysis on the implementation and uptake of RHC solutions.

The RHC ETIP ac­cepts both in­di­vid­ual and co­op­er­a­tive pro­jects, pub­licly or pri­vately fi­nanced.

Ap­pli­ca­tion process

The RHC ETIP ac­cepts ap­pli­ca­tions by in­di­vid­ual re­searchers, pub­lic or pri­vate re­search or­gan­i­sa­tions, com­pa­nies and pub­lic au­thor­i­ties. Ab­stracts submission until 15 July 2019.

Se­lec­tion process

Pro­jects/best prac­tices will be se­lected by the RHC ETIP Hor­i­zon­tal Work­ing Groups (HWGs) tak­ing into con­sid­er­a­tion sev­eral as­pects, such as the level of in­no­va­tion, the po­ten­tial for de­ploy­ment and repli­ca­tion, the con­tri­bu­tion to fos­ter mar­ket pen­e­tra­tion of RHC so­lu­tions. The HWGs will pay at­ten­tion to keep the right bal­ance be­tween dif­fer­ent tech­nolo­gies.

  • The application process is closed
  • The selection process is closed
  • Communication to the selected projects: from 26 August-27 September

For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, con­tact us via info(at)rhc-platform.​org.