Edition 2019

100% RHC EVENT 2019

28 October 2019 • Helsinki, Finland • Original Sokos Hotel Presidentti

The Eu­ro­pean Tech­nol­ogy & In­no­va­tion Plat­form on Re­new­able Heat­ing and Cool­ing (RHC ETIP) or­gan­ised the event 100% RHC for a Sus­tain­able Fu­ture, the op­por­tu­nity for RHC ex­perts to learn, net­work and pre­sent their RHC in­no­v­a­tive pro­jects.

Presentations are available here

Pictures are available here

The RHC ETIP gath­ers in­dus­try rep­re­sen­ta­tives, re­searchers and pol­icy mak­ers to net­work and ex­change their ex­per­tise on RHC in­no­v­a­tive pro­jects, chal­lenges and op­por­tu­ni­ties to thrive in the long term.

100% RHC for a Sus­tain­able Fu­ture in­cluded the 100% RHC Work­shop and the 100% RHC Con­fer­ence. As final touch, the Mayor of Helsinki hosted an evening re­cep­tion at the City Hall. Re­cep­tion or­gan­ised in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Nordic En­ergy Forum and the World En­ergy Coun­cil.

100% RHC Work­shop

During the morning of the 28 October, a technical workshop took place aiming to give vis­i­bil­ity to promis­ing R&I pro­jects in­volv­ing RHC tech­nolo­gies. The work­shop was di­vided in four ses­sions. Discover the selected projects that participated at the workshop here

  • Buildings
  • Districts
  • Cities
  • Industries

100% RHC Con­fer­ence

A high level con­fer­ence led by RHC in­dus­try, RHC pol­icy rep­re­sen­ta­tives and Finnish gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials was organised in the afternoon. The dis­cus­sion focused on:

  • Vision for a 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling in Europe
  • Unlocking investment for further innovation
  • National round-tables

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