RHC ETIP Report on the financing strategy for the RHC sector

The European Technology and innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling  has prepared a final document on the financing strategy for the RHC sector. This document aims to give an overview of the current state of funding for RHC innovation in Europe. The state of RHC innovation in Europe is presented in this report as two main elements.

1) Factsheets providing an inventory of funding instruments for innovative RHC

The inventory covers primarily public EU and national funding, such as grants, loans, guarantees, support schemes and tax incentives. To a limited extent, the factsheets also present a few private funding schemes provided by foundations, banks and other lenders. These funding instruments are summarised in section 2 and then in full detail as factsheets as follows:

• Annex I presents the inventory’s structure, listing the name and type of instrument for each RHC funding instrument covered;

• Annex II presents the full factsheets for EU funding instruments, as well as for each of the 27 EU Member States + the UK. It is out of the scope of this document to make a full analysis and draw conclusions from over 200 funding instruments that are presented, but it offers interested parties (e.g. policy-makers and researchers) the possibility to compare resources and instruments across EU countries.

2) Results of two surveys
1st survey: a dedicated survey on R&I funding instruments that was carried out among energy experts from the RHC sector and project managers in early 2022. The survey helps to identify gaps and good practices in RHC funding to provide recommendations for the development of instruments for R&D funding and to get innovative RHC technologies to market.

2nd survey: a survey that was carried out in February and March 2021 by RHC-ETIP to consult stakeholders on the implementation status of the RHC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda´s priorities (SRIA). Part of the survey dealt with barriers to RHC deployment and RD&I funding.  

The report is available HERE.