RHC-ETIP Position Paper on Horizon Europe Work Programme

RHC-ETIP Position Paper on Horizon Europe Work Programme

The EU institutions recently adopted the specific programme for Horizon Europe (HE). The new frameworkprogramme for the financing period 2021-2027 represents a huge opportunity for the energy sector. Committing at least 35% of the budget for Research and Innovation (R&I) to be spent on climate-related actions, including 15 billion EUR proposed by the European Commission for the Climate, Energy and Transport Cluster, HE is shaping to be an invaluable tool to hasher the next phase of the EU energy transition. These commitments must now be translated into priorities and topics for the new work programmes of Horizon Europe.Renewable Heating and Cooling is an essential part of the energy transition, and the RHC-ETIP platform believes that it should be taken in due consideration in the definition and structure of HE Work Programmes. Read the full position paper here