The objective of the project is to demonstrate the technical and economical feasibility of large-scale solar thermal system integration in the brewing industry for the first time. Brewing and malting processes are especially suitable to be supplied by solar thermal systems since basically all required processes are in the temperature range between 50°C and 100°C.
Main results
Three large-scale solar thermal systems are applied at three different sites: in one drying process of a malting plant, at one mashing process of a brewery and one pasteurizing process of a brewery. The total installed capacity of the three plants is 5.08 MWth, corresponding to 7,270 m² of collector area. Besides the different processes also different climatic zones were chosen for the solar thermal systems in order to evaluate the performance of the plants under different solar radiation conditions. The objective is to have good examples and best practices for the brewing sector which can act as the basis for the large-scale market deployment of the huge potential of the solar thermal source in the whole beverage sector.
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