Modernisation concepts for biomass-based district heating networks

Solutions developed

The project aims to enhance biomass-based district heating networks for sustainable heat supply in Austria. Innovative technical concepts like flue gas condensation and heat pumps are developed for efficient integration, leading to reduced emissions and resource consumption. Objectives include adapting networks to future needs, meeting climate targets, and boosting local economic benefits. The project seeks to exploit untapped potentials through comprehensive involvement of stakeholders and novel business models.

Main results

Developed biomass-based district heating solutions undergo comprehensive analysis including life cycle, value chain, and optimization potentials. Demonstrated in Wald im Pinzgau, a two-phase modernization integrates waste heat, innovative heat pump tech, and intelligent energy management. Achieves 100% renewable, local heat, reducing oil consumption by 100,000 kWh/a and CO2 by 30 tons annually. Total biomass consumption significantly reduced.