Boosting geothermal heat pumps to mainstream cost-effective and efficient renewable heating and cooling in buildings

Solutions developed

GeoBOOST project aims to address barriers hindering mass deployment of RES HC technologies outlined in K4 RES-H Altener IEE (2005) and FRONT IEE (2016). With EU's Fit for 55 Package setting ambitious targets for renewable energy (40% by 2030) and energy efficiency (39% primary, 36% final savings), GeoBOOST focuses on accelerating penetration of cost-effective RES HC solutions. It tackles policy inefficiencies, institutional barriers, and financial hurdles to pave the way for successful achievement of these targets.

Main results

The project will support the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive in the EU, by allowing a market uptake of geothermal heating and cooling technologies. GeoBOOST will seek to unlock market barriers for geothermal heat pumps, as they are the most energy efficiency and cost-effective RES HC solution but have often been neglected by policy makers and also by the dedicated market uptake research proposals.