Meet Padraic O’Reilly, the new Chair of the Heat Pump Technology Panel
Padraic O’Reilly elected new Chair of the Heat Pump Technology Panel
In August 2020, the Heat Pump Technology Panel chose Padraic as new leader, taking over from Dave Pearson (Star Renewable Energy). Padraic O’Reilly is a Mechanical Engineer working in the areas of Renewable Heating and Building Services since 2002 with a particular emphasis on the design and installation of heat pump systems. Prior to that, he worked in Heating Related manufacturing businesses.
He joined the Limerick Institute of Techmology - LIT Development Unit in September 2017 to work on the Superhomes 2.0 Project, a project concerned with the Optimisation of Air Source Heat Pump Applications in NZEB Residential Retrofits. He is currently working on projects relating to heat pump performance (FactHP), upskilling the heat pump value chain (HP4All), expansion of deep retrofit one-stop-shops (Superhomes 2030) and energy efficiency in SMEs (SPEEDIER). Padraic holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters Degree in Project Management, both from the University of Limerick.
The Heat Pump Technology Panel (HP TP) of the RHC-Platform was launched in April 2015 and it is managed by the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA). The HP TP represents a pool of experts in charge of providing specific HP technology input to the strategic documents produced by the Horizontal Working Groups and to the activities of the RHC Platform.