Find EU funding for your clean technology

The EU has over thirty financial instruments and programs that fund green innovation. And yet, it can be difficult for start-ups and cleantech companies to find which ones to apply to.

Climate Strategy & Partners, Jacques Delors Institute and Cleantech for Europe have developed a simple and interactive tool to help you:
  • Find the right EU funding opportunities for your project, depending on your status, Technological Readiness Level (TRL), sector of focus, type of financing needed and more,
  • Learn about some of these instruments, including their level of focus on climate,
  • Access links to find out more and apply for funding.
When developing this tool, our colleagues Adriana Rodríguez Rivera and Andreas Eisl reviewed nearly 40 EU funding instruments, categorizing them to simplify their identification by TRL, sector, geography, and type of funding, in order to map out the public funding landscape.

While EU funding applications may remain lengthy and complicated, this easy-to-use sign-posting tool simplifies the start of your journey. Please comment with feedback and ideas on how we can improve it!

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