National roundtable: the Portugal perspective

13 April 2021 - 13 April 2021 ONLINE · 11h - 12h CET

The National Round Table: The Portugal Perspective is part of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-ETIP) and represents a series of panel discussions involving policymakers and relevant stakeholders.

This event is at an opportune time due to Portugal holding the rotating presidency and aims at connecting the European and local perspectives. With the speakers, providing their vision for 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling in Europe and outlining the main challenges in achieving this goal, with a detailed focus on the work being done in Portugal. This event, following similar National Round Tables in Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, and Ireland.


11:00 – 11:10 Introduction of the RHC platform and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU (Dan Stefanica EHPA)

11:10 – 11:50 Panel discussion and questions from the audience


Ana Isabel Palmero Marrero: Senior Researcher at FEUP-UPORTO and INEGI;

João Castanheira: Deputy CEO at ENGIE Portugal and CEO Climaespaco;

Pedro Ribeiro: Vice President of Engineering at the Center for Engineering in Aveiro, Bosch Termotecnologia

Zenaida Mourao: Head of Energy Group at INEGI

11:50 – 12:00 Conclusion