Become the New Chair of the Heat Pump Technology Panel of the RHC Platform – Application deadline extended!
Description of the Heat Pump Technology Panel
The Heat Pump Technology Panel (HP TP) of the RHC-Platform was launched in April 2015 and it is managed by the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA). The HP TP represents a pool of experts in charge of providing specific HP technology input to the strategic documents produced by the Horizontal Working Groups and to the activities of the RHC Platform.
Once the main expert documents are prepared at the level of the RHC-ETIP HWGs (WP2), and by the secretariat (WP4), they are sent for consultation and feedback both to the members of the RHC-ETIP (internal consultation), via the Technology Panels (Task 3.1), and to the stakeholders (external consultation), which are part of the stakeholders’ group (tasks 3.2 and 3.3).
Functions and Requierements of the HP TP Chair
Stakeholder management:
Internal- As part of the RHC-ETIP Board, provide guidance to the activities of the Secretariat of the Platform, its Technology Panels, ensuring that the Platform’s other bodies and working groups, effectively pursue the vision and mission of the RHC-ETIP;
- Manage the relashionship between the HP TP and the RHC-ETIP HWGs;
- Manage the relashionship between the HP TP and the RHC-ETIP Secretariat;
- Ensure the smooth working of the HP TP by coordinating with its vice-chairs;
- Maintain and manage the relationship with the EHPA, while using the association’s resources towards the vision and mission of the RHC-ETIP;
- Set goals, gather inputs and priorities for the HP TP members (the EHPA Research and Innovation Committee (R&I Committee)).
- Represent the RHC-ETIP and manage relashionships with external stakeholders relevant to the platform;
- Represent the HP TP and manage relashionships with external stakeholders relevant to the Panel;
Expert documents
- Consult and give input to the main documents (all along the drafting process) prepared by the RHC HWGs;
- Consult and give input to the main documents (all along the drafting process) prepared by the HP TP;
- Support and give input to the Final Report, which details the activities performed by the HP TP during its three year activity.
Meeting participation
Internal- Take part in the RHC-ETIP Board meetings (online/live);
- Participate in the RHC-ETIP EXCO calls (online);
- Take part in HP TP/EHPA R&I Committee meetings (online/live);
- Participate and chair meetings with the HP TP vice-chairs and EHPA secretariat (online).
- Take part in the RHC-ETIP annual conference (online/live);
- Take part in other relevant events, representing the RHC-ETIP and HP TP.
Deadline for application 22nd of August 2020. For more information or to apply for this postion, please contact Dan Stefanica, Project Manager at EHPA:
Mobile: +32 48 96 28 067