100% RHC EVENT 2020 / The RHC ETIP Annual Conference Online

The 2020 edition of the 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Future - 100% RHC Event, will take place online on the 15th October 2020. Our annual conference was meant to be organised during ISEC 2020. Since this conference has been postponed due to COVID-19, the RHC ETIP Secretariat and ISEC co-organisers have decided to join forces later on 2021 and keep the RHC ETIP's 100% RHC Event, our annual conference, as an independent online event in 2020.

Why joining?

The RHC ETIP is working on the agenda of the 100% RHC EVENT, the perfect occasion to present RHC ETIP’s upcoming publication, the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for the RHC sector  –  SRIA. This document will be the backbone of the 100% RHC Event 2020, which will include:

  • A keynote speech from RHC ETIP's Chair, Javier Urchueguía
  • A panel discusion on innovative technology developments for a 100% RHC sector
  • National Roundtables with national and local representatives

To stay informed about future events and latest news join our mail­ing list and fol­low us on Twit­ter – @EtipRhc #100RHC