RHC ETIP Online Projects database – Join our Renewable Heating and Cooling Community!
Are you a Coordinator or a Partner in an EU funded project relating to Renewable Heating and Cooling?
Share your hard work, results and solutions developed in your EU funded project while ensuring that it is built upon, replicated and disseminated to relevant stakeholders and likeminded initiatives. Join a growing community of more than 120 past, current and future projects in the area of renewable heating and cooling, that are making a real and tangible difference in the areas of Buildings, Districts, Cities and Industries.
Showcase the technology readiness level (1-9) and describe the process, planning, resources and innovations being worked on to achieve the desired TRL.
Highlight the technology and the solutions being developed, be it: Biomass, District Heating, Geothermal, Heat Pumps, Solar Thermal or a Hybrid system that uses and combines more technologies as well as their storage mediums.
Need inspiration? Consult the projects that are already showcased, use the quick filter options to easily hone in on the information you are looking for HERE.
Use the ‘SUBMIT YOUR PROJECT’ button to easily add your project to our community. Doing so will underline its benefits, ideas and tools, not only disseminating them to policy makers, regional/national/transnational associations, research centers, experts in the field and multipliers, but also to future potential consortium partners that may be able to take the project and its methodology to the next stage of its development.
Looking forward to reading about your project,