Report ‘Heating device market in Poland in 2018’
Report 'Heating device market in Poland in 2018'
Produced by the Association of Heating Device Manufacturers and Importers - SPIUG
This report is the second annual trade report concerning the development of the heating device market.
The Association of Heating Device Manufacturers and Importers is a trade organization which gathers manufacturers of a broad range of heating devices, such as gas boilers, oil boilers, solid fuel boilers, electric boilers, solar collectors or heat pumps, and since 2018, also a group of manufacturers of heating system components, such as surface heating and radiators. The situation in the fitting-heating industry in 2018 was a continuation of the trend from 2017, when significant sales growth was recorded in most of the industry’s product groups. Maybe these growths were not as drastic as a year earlier, but the positive trend in most product groups prevailed. Also, the government priority programmer „Clean Air”, implemented in September, intended to reduce low emissions, started incentivizing the investors to modernize their heating systems. It is worth to note that as the NFOŚiGW introduced the “Clean Air” programme, in certain local government units there were ideas to transfer the funds from ROP, used to subsidize replacement of classing heating devices, to activities which this programme does not encompass, or does so only marginally. Prepared and compiled by: Janusz Starościk Warsaw, april 2019