Report ‘Heating device market in Poland in 2018’

Report 'Heating device market in Poland in 2018'

Produced by the Association of Heating Device Manufacturers and Importers - SPIUG

This re­port is the sec­ond an­nual trade re­port con­cern­ing the de­vel­op­ment of the heat­ing de­vice mar­ket.

The As­so­ci­a­tion of Heat­ing De­vice Man­u­fac­tur­ers and Im­porters is a trade or­ga­ni­za­tion which gath­ers man­u­fac­tur­ers of a broad range of heat­ing de­vices, such as gas boil­ers, oil boil­ers, solid fuel boil­ers, elec­tric boil­ers, solar col­lec­tors or heat pumps, and since 2018, also a group of man­u­fac­tur­ers of heat­ing sys­tem com­po­nents, such as sur­face heat­ing and ra­di­a­tors. The sit­u­a­tion in the fit­ting-heat­ing in­dus­try in 2018 was a con­tin­u­a­tion of the trend from 2017, when sig­nif­i­cant sales growth was recorded in most of the in­dus­try’s prod­uct groups. Maybe these growths were not as dras­tic as a year ear­lier, but the pos­i­tive trend in most prod­uct groups pre­vailed. Also, the gov­ern­ment pri­or­ity pro­gram­mer „Clean Air”, im­ple­mented in Sep­tem­ber, in­tended to re­duce low emis­sions, started in­cen­tiviz­ing the in­vestors to mod­ern­ize their heat­ing sys­tems. It is worth to note that as the NFOŚiGW in­tro­duced the “Clean Air” pro­gramme, in cer­tain local gov­ern­ment units there were ideas to trans­fer the funds from ROP, used to sub­si­dize re­place­ment of class­ing heat­ing de­vices, to ac­tiv­i­ties which this pro­gramme does not en­com­pass, or does so only mar­gin­ally. Pre­pared and com­piled by: Janusz Starościk War­saw, april 2019