Supporting new Opportunities for Waste Heat And cold valorisation Towards EU decarbonization
Solutions developed
SOWHAT aims to develop and demonstrate a market-ready integrated software which will: - Support industries & energy utilities in simulating comparing alternative Waste Heat and Waste Cold (WH/C) technologies. - Simulate how to balance the local forecasted H&C demand and supply. - Include RES integration.
Main results
The project is currently in month 27. The main activities performed so far laid down the theoretical framework of the project regarding data handling, technologies and mapping, and defined the architecture and functionalities of the tool. This set the basis for the tool development, which is currently undergoing, and for the composition of the different modules, which are being integrated. The upcoming tasks mainly revolve around finalising the development of the tool, its testing and validation, which will be boosted through the promotion and enlargement of the stakeholders community involved in the project. Moreover, an assessment will be carried out to understand the impact of the SO WHAT tool and a set of lessons learnt from different perspectives in its development will be collected. This, together with a refinement of the exploitation strategy, will enhance the replicability of the project outcomes and the continued utilisation of the tool once the project is completed.
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