Setup of a laboratory to analyse heat pump performance

Solutions developed

Although heat pumps are known to be an extremely efficient way of heating and cooling, there is at this time no consistent method for analysing and quantifying the efficiency of heat pumps in a reliable and reproducible way. In addition, existing analytical methods do not take into account the complete energetic performance of heat pumps, which e.g. includes heating, cooling, the production of hot water and defrosting cycles. Moreover, there is no reproducible and reliable method for making predictions regarding the energetic performance of heat pumps over a longer time and in different scenarios, such as changing climate conditions and in district heating applications.

Main results

Peutz is a Dutch SME that specialises in advising clients on a wide range of topics in construction engineering, and it sees a clear business opportunity in setting up a laboratory that is able to independently measure and certify the performance of heat pumps. Moreover, it envisions that this lab will be able to reliably predict heat pump performance over a longer time and in different environments.