Digitalization of Higher Education for Renewable Energy Systems in Europe

Solutions developed

The overall aim of the " HED-RES-EU" project is to develop and transfer experimental and innovative teaching methods contributing to the quality of renewable energy education to fill the gap between the growing industry demand for specialized renewable energy expertise and the skills currently available on the job market.

Main results

The project emphasizes integrating innovation skills into engineering curricula and reforming educational systems to meet the needs of the knowledge society. While BG, TR, EST, IT, and HU offer programs in renewable energy, they lack comprehensive courses covering finance and environmental law. Enhancing knowledge of renewable energy is crucial for future generations, yet current training in these countries is inadequate. The project aims to develop innovative education programs, equipping students and staff with skills for employment in the energy industry. It will improve specialized skills in renewable energy development and sustainability, benefiting faculties and vocational schools in the partner countries known for their expertise in renewable energy technology.