PRESS RELEASE / RHC ETIP speaks up on Horizon Europe Work Programme

The research, development and innovation working group of the platform claims the prominent role that renewable heating and cooling should have in the successor of Horizon 2020

14 November 2019, Brussels - Heating and cooling represent 47% of the EU’s energy consumption, yet, only 18% of it is currently renewable. In the next framework programme Horizon Europe, renewable heating and cooling should be recognised as a key sector in the achievement of the energy transition.

The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-ETIP) published a collective position paper highlighting the essential role of renewable heating and cooling (RHC) in the energy transition, and two key recommendations to enable the deployment of the full potential of the RHC sector in Europe.

"The energy transition will only be possible if energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources are widely adopted in all energy-intensive sectors. RHC technologies will play a crucial role in the energy transition, covering the highest share of heating and cooling demand.’’ says Marco Calderoni, RHC ETIP Board member.

Aside from the positive impact of a thriving RHC sector on the European economy, the RHC ETIP position paper also highlights the prominent role that RHC should have in the soon to be adopted Horizon Europe Mission on Climate-neutral and smart cities.

RHC ETIP’s Chair, Dave Pearson, commented: “the time to act is now. We have at our disposal huge ranges of solutions that are ready, many as outputs of previous European Commission supported projects. However, there is still R&I activity required to reach the full potential of the RHC sector in Europe, such as the improvement and deployment of systems. This is nothing to do with technology not being available. It is entirely to do with two realities: gas is still the go-to solution for heating and when it comes to cooling with electric chillers waste heat is dumped instead of being reused!”  Pearson added: It is the EC and member states responsibility to say: stop using fossil fuels because you are threatening our existence.”

Next steps of Horizon Europe

The next framework programme for research and innovation is currently under negotiation between the Council and European Parliament until 2020. The official start of Horizon Europe is foreseen for the 1st January 2021.

About the RHC ETIP

This work has been performed as part of the research, development and innovation working group of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling. The RHC ETIP was founded in 2010 with the support of the European Commission. Today, this unique platform gathers more than 800 members from industry, research and academia. The RHC membership represents all renewable heating and cooling technologies, including biomass, solar thermal, heat pumps, district heating and cooling, and thermal storage energy.

The position paper is available here

RHC ETIP Policy contact: Thomas Garabetian

Press contact : Lourdes Laín Caviedes