Webinar on “The Belgian Heat Transition: Early Success Stories and the Challenge to Come”
Bringing together policy experts, industrial and academic actors from the three regions of Belgium, the session will provide key insight into the Belgian heat transition.
The share of renewable energy used for heating and cooling in Belgium currently stands at just under 8.5%, one of the lowest in the European Union. There have been early success stories, from successful policy initiatives to cities taking measures to decarbonise heat supplies, but there is still a lot of work to be done. Belgium is highly dependent on natural gas, and so the recent geopolitical developments have major implications for the sector, with energy prices rising dramatically.
The workshop will explore ways to encourage innovation and facilitate market uptake of district energy and renewable heating and cooling technologies.
Register HERE
21 April 2022 | 10:00 – 11:00 CET | Webinar Introductory Remarks & Moderation • Jack Corscadden (DHC+ / Euroheat & Power) RHC-ETIP: Activities of the District Heating and Cooling and Thermal Energy Storage Technology Panel • Ralf-Roman Schmidt (AIT) Panel Discussion • Yves Marenna (ICEDD - Institut de Conseil et d'Etudes en Développement Durable / Institute of Consulting and Studies in Sustainable Development) • Ellen Van Mello (ODE - Organisatie voor Duurzame Energie / Organisation for Sustainable Energy) • Julien Blondeau (Brussels Institute for Thermal-fluid systems and clean Energy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel) • Julien Lechat (City of Charleroi)