“The renewable wave of projects” webinar

30 June 2020 - 30 June 2020 Webinar

EHPA is pleased to invite you to its new Online Projects Talks series. Bringing together the knowledge gained from our projects and linking it with likeminded  initiatives from outside our organization.

We will start on the 30th of June from 10:30 to 12:00 CET with the first episode of our series: “The Renewable Wave of Projects” , in which we will present four innovative projects that are boosting the use of different renewable energies in Europe, as well as our Research and Innovation Committee that tries to inform and develop future such projects. More in details:
  • “Sustainability and Geothermal energy promotion” - GeoAtlantic project by Eduardo Rodriguez (EergyLab)
  • “Innovative sun-coupled heat pumps” - SunHorizon project by Alessandra Cuneo (RINA Consulting S.p.A.)
  • “Energy tunnels: an opportunity of development for urban areas” – Enertun by Alessandra Insana (Politecnico di Torino)
  • “Connecting the ETIP RHC project with EHPA’s Research & Innovation Committee” SecRHC project project and EHPA’s R&I Committee by Dan Stefanica (European Heat Pump Association)

If you are interested in the topic, don't miss the opportunity and register for free here.

Find the full agenda here.