RHC-ETIP Webinar on the Renewable Heating and Cooling Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

15 September 2020 - 15 September 2020 Online

The Secretariat of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC ETIP) is organising a webinar to have your opinion on R&I priorities for the RES heating and cooling sector to be included in the next framework programme.

Join us at the RHC-ETIP webinar on the Renewable Heating and Cooling Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on 15th of September 2020 at 10.30AM CEST.

In this occasion, representatives from the platform will present the draft SRIA of the RHC ETIP for a 2050 decarbonised system, highlighting the key priorities and challenges of achieving a 100% renewable future in 4 key sectors (buildings, cities, districts and industries) but also for cross-sectorial issues.

The agenda for the webinar is the following:

  • Opening remarks - Javier Urchueguía, chairman of RHC-ETIP
  • Introduction to RHC-ETIP and the SRIA - Irene di Padua, Solar Heat Europe
  • Presentation of the R&I priorities:
    • Oyvind Skreiberg, HWG 100% RE Buildings
    • Russel McKenna, HWG 100% RE Cities
    • Sophie Knoetter, HWG 100% RE Industries
    • Ralf-Roman Schmit, HWG 100% RE Districts
    • Andrej Misech, cross-sectoral priorities
  • Open discussion with the audience moderated by Javier Urchuegía
  • Closing remarks

The audience will be invited to take an active role and discuss additional inputs and feedback. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of the RHC-ETIP will be presented at the 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Future Event – 100% RHC Event 2020, which will take place online on October 15th.