GREEN AT YOU Online networking and good practice exchange

15 March 2024 - 15 March 2024 Online

ALL DIGITAL invites European stakeholders to a networking and good practice exchange event   for setting up a network of strategic allies for green and digital employment and entrepreneurship.

The alliance is led by Green at You – Social Innovations for Inclusive Green and Digital Jobs, a project funded by the European Social Fund that aims to empower groups at risk of social exclusion by equipping them with the essential skills for green and digital jobs.

Green at You aims to develop and pilot a series of micro-credential certified training modules based on key transversal competences across the EU Competence Frameworks: EntreComp, GreenComp and DigComp. 

The networking meeting will gather stakeholders in an interactive space to provide an overview of the project, to explore together how each stakeholder can benefit from and contribute to the alliance and to exchange good practices on the topic of green and digital competences and jobs.

Green jobs alliances, national and European-level organizations, employers/companies in strategic sub-sectors, vocational education and training (VET) providers, trainers and any other stakeholders interested in making the green transition more accessible are invited to this event.

Register here now to join the event!