European Shallow Geothermal Days 2020

Heat represents more than half of Europe’s energy needs and the vast majority of it comes from fossil fuels. Shallow geothermal energy can be the key to decarbonise heating and cooling, being a clean and mature technology that could be installed anywhere in Europe. Yet, it is widely considered as a niche technology, even if in a few countries such as Sweden and Finland, is becoming mainstream and 2 million geothermal heat pumps have already been installed.
The 2nd edition of the “European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days” will take place on 4th, 9th and 11th December 2020. It will connect policy makers, scientists, and professionals to discuss ways to boost the market uptake of geothermal heat pumps and underground thermal energy storage.
This 2020 event is organised by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC), the Renewable Heating and Cooling Platform (RHC-ETIP), GEOTRAINET aisbl and Geothermal DHC COST action, with the support of the GeoERA-MUSE project, EuroGeoSurveys, GEOCOND project and EHPA.
REGISTER HERE! ________________________________________________________________________________Friday 4th December – 10:00 to 12:00 CET Policy and market session: Seize the Renovation Wave to decarbonise heating and cooling
This policy session will discuss how Renovation Wave, Smart System Integration and the upcoming recast of the EU legislation on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency are great opportunities to decarbonise the European heating and cooling sector, if well designed.
The session aims at depicting the expected and possible future role of shallow geothermal energy in the “European Green Deal”. It will also discuss how shallow geothermal systems can contribute to decarbonisation and which non-technological hurdles need to be removed.
Session 1: Opening keynotes
- Is geothermal energy already competitive? – Philippe Dumas, Secretary-General, European Geothermal Energy Council
- Geological context of Brussels: why and how does geothermal energy work – Estelle Petitclerc, Geological Survey of Belgium
- Geothermal energy in urban environments: how Geological Surveys can provide the information needed to make geothermal investments and governance decisions – Gregor Götzl, EuroGeoSurveys
Session 2: Panel discussion The expected and potential role of shallow geothermal energy in the “European Green Deal”
- Piero De Bonis, European Commission, DG Research
- Adrian Joyce, Renovate Europe
- Julia Kostal, Viessmans
- Robin Curtis, Geoscience
- Case study on renovation of public buildings in Ireland through geothermal energy solutions – Ric Pasquali, GeoServ Solutions
Thomas Garabetian, EGEC Senior Policy Adviser – Moderator
Closing remarks, MEP Martin Hojsík, Renew Europe
_________________________________________________________________________________Wednesday 9th December – 10:00 to 12:00 CET Innovative and good practices of shallow geothermal energy across Europe and abroad
This session will focus on key concepts and measures to widen the scope of shallow geothermal in Europe. This session will look at the novel and promising technological concepts and good practices to operate and manage shallow geothermal in an efficient and sustainable way. The session will address solutions from Europe and abroad.
- Gregor Götzl, GBA (Austria) – Introduction to the workshop
- Dr. Burkhard Sanner, Sanner (Germany) – Shallow geothermal open loop systems in the Cologne-Bonn region
- Rüdiger Grimm, geoENERGIE Konzept GmbH (Germany) – Development of Quarters, legal aspects, two examples
- Jan Herranen, ROTOTEC OY (Finland) – Experiences with deep boreholes in Scandinavia
Stefan Wehinger, Enercret Group GmbH (Austria) – Geothermal energy in foundation components – the Marina Tower in Vienna
- Tim Cooper, Tim Cooper Conservation Engineering Consultant (Ireland) – Long-term monitoring and optimisation of a shallow geothermal system in Dublin
- Marek Svacinka, GEROtop spol. S.r.o. (Czech Republic) – Geothermal projects in the Czech Republic
- Søren Andersen, Skold Andersen (Denmark) – 5th generation district heating and cooling – Thermonets for single family houses
- Guus van Gelder, Groenholland BV (The Netherlands) – ITGBES tool – estimating thermal interference between borehole heat exchanger systems
Friday 11th December 10:00 to 12:30 CET Research and innovation session: Breakthroughs in shallow geothermal technologies
Part 1: Financing research projects – 10:00 to 11:00
Presentation of EU Funding
- Innovation Fund: 2nd call on small scale projects, European Commission, Susanna Galloni, INEA
- Research opportunities in European funding programmes
- Q&A
Part 2: Research on Life Cycle Assessment of geothermal – 11:00 to 12:30
Workshop on LCA to present best practices, draw lessons learnt, review methodology, and design policy recommendations:
- Welcoming & Moderation by Javier Urchueguia, RHC-Platform Chairman
- View on LCA by the Heat Pump sector, Dan Stefanica, EHPA
- A LCA methodology for geothermal by GEOENVI, Maria Laura Parisi
- Prospective LCA for heating and cooling networks from geothermal aquifers, University of Geneva, Astu Sam Pratiwi
- GEOCOND project results, Sanober Hassan Khattak
- EU Standards and Regulations, RGS, Robert Gavriliuc
- Share of best practices of EU funded research and innovation: GEOCOND, GEOENVI GEO4CIVIC: moderation by Burkhard Sanner (UBeG)
Tuesday 15th December 2020
Side event – GEOTRAINET Annual General Meeting