ConnectHeat project – Warmer together – Community heating & cooling

Renewable energy communities (RECs): What is there for heating & cooling (H&C)?

One of the main gaps of the RED II Directive transposition at the national levels is that specific provisions on H&C are never included.

Nevertheless, there are several ongoing experiences on renewable heat supply directly involving local communities. Regulations, therefore, are clearly lagging behind and it is necessary to adapt the regulatory framework for valorising the contribution of renewable heat.

In October 2022, the European LIFE ConnectHeat project started, with the aim of promoting the diffusion of community H&C through training activities, analysis of good practices, dialogue with stakeholders and development of 7 pilot cases in different EU countries.

Concrete proposals for fostering heating & cooling communities

There should be an explicit inclusion of heat supply in the regulation of RECs and a further option could be to plan an additional incentive for 'electric RECs’ which decide to also include heat supply.

Another aspect concerns the reduction of risks associated with the district heating infrastructure by providing a revolving fund, a price guarantee or similar financial instruments. In parallel, forms of direct financial participation, such as cooperatives or crowdfunding, should be promoted.

Finally, good practices on successful experiences of community district heating should be collected, analysed and promoted.