The public consultation on the draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on geothermal Heating & Cooling has been launched

This Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2019 (SRIA) constitutes an update and blending text of the previous 2014 Geothermal Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and subsequent Geothermal Implementation Roadmap. It intends to define and reorder the new research topics to answer current and future challenges of the energy sector in Europe, but also to bring them into a quantifiable timescale and dimension in terms of required funding.    
The complete document (pdf) is publicly available below as well as the working documents (word with track changes). Please use the working documents, with track changes activated, to provide your inputs. *Please, do not forget to become a member for providing your inputs. Download the working documents Download the PDF We invite you to send inputs on the draft until the 22/10/2019. Please send your inputs, in track changes, to     An online webinar was organised on October 22nd to discuss the Strategic Research Agenda. Watch the webinar Presentations: • Brief introduction to the activities of the European Technology and Innovation Platform RHC: Javier Urchueguia, Chairman geothermal panel • Introduction to the draft SRIA methodology: Philippe Dumas, EGEC • Open discussion on the research priorities for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) on Geothermal H&C