On Monday 28 October 2019, the Secretariat of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC ETIP) organised the workshop and conference 100% Renewable Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Future (100% RHC EVENT).

The 100% RHC EVENT aimed to learn, network and share the latest contributions of the RHC ETIP to the heating and cooling sector. It hosted 86 participants at the Hotel Sokos Presidentti in Helsinki. City chosen as a gesture to the current  Finland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Two main sessions composed the event - the 100% RHC Workshop & the 100% RHC Conference.

100% RHC Work­shop

During the morning of the 28 October, the technical workshop focused on promis­ing R&I pro­jects in­volv­ing RHC tech­nolo­gies. The work­shop started with the presentation of the database of projects on renewable heating and cooling that is already integrated on this website (here). Afterwards, four sessions were dedicated to selected projects on renewable heating and cooling in buildings, districts, cities and industries. The presented projects are the result of a call for projects launched during 2019. Discover the selected projects that participated at the workshop here

100% RHC Con­fer­ence

In the afternoon, the Chair of the RHC ETIP, Dave Pearson, gave an introductory speech. The high level con­fer­ence was led by RHC in­dus­try, RHC pol­icy rep­re­sen­ta­tives and Finnish gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials. And the dis­cus­sion focused on three main topics:

  • The publication of the latest joint work of the RHC ETIP, 2050 Vision for 100% Renewable Heating and cooling in Europe, which was distributed during the event. Dominik Rutz and Marco Calderoni, members of the Board of the RHC ETIP, presented the document.
  • The role of the RHC in the 2050 energy scenario, a panel discussion moderated by Paola Mazzucchelli, EUREC Secretary General.
  • National Challenges in EU energy policy for the RHC sector, a national roundtable moderated by Sofia Lettenbichler, Euroheat & Power Policy and Projects Manager
By the end of the day, the team of the Mayor of Helsinki hosted an evening reception at the City Hall of Helsinki. Participants from the 100% RHC event joined as guests of this reception, organised in collaboration with the World Energy Council and the Nordic Energy Forum.
  • Presentations are available here
  • Pictures are available here


The 2020 edition will take place during the 2nd International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC 2020), 14 - 16 October 2020, in Graz, Austria.

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