RHC-ETIP’s SRIA and strategic report on implementation of research and innovation priorities presented during the policy workshop organised by H2020 project SCORES
On 6 April 2022, RHC-ETIP representative participated to the policy workshop focused on economics and policy perspectives for hybrid storage within the building sector organised by the Horizon 2020 project SCORES and EDF.
The Policy Workshop was dedicated to the presentation of lessons learnt from SCORES project, questioning the current regulation in the building sector, perspectives regarding future directives and also the profitability of local energy storage systems. Invited speakers from the energy sector and policy institutions shared their strategies around this question of multi-energy system with storage capability that can use local and renewable energy while providing flexibility to the grid.
RHC-ETIP presented its recent work, especially the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Strategic report on implementation of research and innovation priorities.
Recording of the workshop can be found here.