RHC-ETIP´s 100% RE Buildings Horizontal Working Group contributes to the European Climate Foundation´s Net Zero Buildings 2050 report
Last week, the European Climate Foundation (ECF) together with CE Delft and Climact have officially published the report: Net Zero Buildings 2050. RHC-ETIP´s Horizontal Working Group on 100% Renewable Energy Individually Heated & Cooled Buildings (100% RE Buildings) has contributed to this report, which aim is to highlight the importance and urgency of decarbonising the building sector in order to achieve net-zero economy targets in line with the EU’s commitment under the 2015 Paris Agreement.
100% RE Buildings Horizontal Working Group's contribution highlights the importance of buildings in the final energy consumption, mostly for heating. The full decarbonisation is a challenge but is feasible. The large variety of H&C technologies can provide optimal solutions for the whole variety of buildings’ usage and occupants’ needs. Sector coupling and energy storage are key elements enabling 100% RE in buildings. Drivers and R&I priorities for further renewable heating and cooling market uptake were identified and proposed.
The report assesses the policies and innovation needed to achieve a fully decarbonised EU residential building sector by 2050, making the case for new policies targeting the sector at the EU, national and local levels. RHC-ETIP's 100% RE Buildings Horizontal Working Group has contributed during the drafting process by providing insights on the key R&I priorities needed to achieve carbon neutral building stock by 2050.
The summary report can be found here and you can obtain more details of the study through the background report.