Solar-Biomass Reversible energy system for covering a large share of energy needs in buildings

Solutions developed

EU-funded scientists are developing an important combined heat and power solution that harvests solar energy and ambient heat and also burns biomass. It is expected to meet all our heating and cooling as well as electricity needs for any building type or size without worrying about limited sunlight hours or frigid temperatures.

Main results

The project aim to develop a renewable-based system covering heating, cooling, and variable electricity demands cost-effectively. Utilizing solar, ambient, and bioenergy, adaptable to diverse buildings globally. Proven technologies optimize energy flows, including solar thermal collectors with vacuum tubes, thermoelectrics, a cascade thermal chiller, electric-driven heat pumps, reversible heat pump/ORC systems, and advanced biomass boilers for CHP operation. Smart controls ensure efficient management. Project emphasizes dissemination, user engagement, and long-term deployment planning via technology roadmap.