Smart and Flexible 100 % Renewable District Heating and Cooling Systems for European Cities

Solutions developed

These solutions include:

• improvement in regional legislation, supporting the implementation of high-RES DHC;
• integration of high-RES DHC in heat planning at regional and local level;
• creation of cooperatively-owned companies for managing high-RES DHC systems;
• study, planning and supporting of new high-RES DHC projects at local level.
• In order to assure a correct implementation:
• a regional task force on high-RES DHC will be set up in each participating region;

Main results

In order to practically support all the stakeholders, SmartReFlex has developed the following tools, documents and results, all of them available on this website:

- Guide for regional authorities: Knowledge and inspiring examples on RES DHC for Local Authorities and communities – residents, commercial and industrial enterprises.
- Recommendations for setting up a task force on RES DHC: How to effectively involve all local stakeholders for carrying out a fruitful process towards 100% RES DHC.
- 6 regional strategies: Action plans for 100% RES DHC in the participating Regions.
- Training material: more than 500 people were trained through national workshops on three different topics (design & planning, technical issues, organization and financing).
- 20 case studies: Feasibility studies on real plants at local level and / or policies on RES DHC.