Optimisation of Geothermal Drilling Operation with Machine Learning

Solutions developed

PTIDRILL concept was born to address and solve problems in drilling for geothermal resources that increases uncertainty and well construction costs. OPTIDRILL ´s innovative drilling advisory system is based on a combination of enhanced monitoring systems, multiple data-driven ML modules, each being responsible for either analysis, prediction, or optimization of one aspect of drilling or completion process.

Main results

The goal is to advise and support drilling operators in making informed decisions through real-time data, reducing many of uncertainties associated with drilling, which in term leads to less NPT, as the drilling can be more readily optimised to maintain good ROP, borehole control and address possible drilling issues, before they could impact operation. The OPTIDRILL Advisory System is NOT an attempt to just fully automate drill rig operations, but rather to enhance and digitize decision making and reporting, instrument and optimize the drilling