Heat it yourself for sustainability : circularity in energy intensive industries

Solutions developed

LIFE HI4S aims to develop and validate an innovative cost-effective combined heat and electricity production plant from the waste heat contained in the off-gas of an electric arc furnace within the steel making industry. This waste heat re-use plant will employ a TES system based on the steel slag generated in the steelworks, and will save around 37.5 GWhe /year. The TES will be used for scrap pre-heating and self-power supply.

The project is in line with the priorities of the Green Deal for full economic decarbonisation; it encourages disruptive technologies with a high potential for improving energy efficiency, especially in energy-intensive industries that generate large amounts of waste heat. The project also promotes the circular economy industrial policy.

Main results

Energy saving of 4.9% of the total electricity required in the electric arc furnace (400 KWhe/t steel);
Reduction of total steelwork CO2eq emissions in steelworks by 6%; and
Reduction of slag waste by 10-15%, with the valorised steel slag offering a potential source of income.