European Liaison on Electricity Committed Towards long-term Research Activities for Smart Grids
Solutions developed
The EU energy strategy sets ambitious goals for the energy systems of the future that foresees a substantial increase in the share of renewable electricity production. The whole-sale deployment of RES connected to the network at all voltage levels will require radically new approaches for real time control that can accommodate the coordinated operation of millions of devices, of various technologies, at many different scales and voltage levels, dispersed across EU grid. ELECTRA addresses this challenge, and will establish and validate proofs of concept that utilise flexibility from across traditional boundaries in a holistic fashion. In addition to the joint R&D activities, coordination work packages in ELECTRA build on existing efforts established through EERA and will significantly escalate these through the coordination and collaboration amongst EU leading research infrastructures, researcher exchange across EU and internationally, and actions on international cooperation.
Main results
The support received at proposal stage from 16 national funding agencies, ENTSOE, EDSO4SG, ETP SG, as well as from a number of international organisations will be developed to leverage the research effort in ELECTRA and to strengthen its exploitation potential.
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