Meet Caroline Haglund Stignor, the new Chair of the Heat Pump Technology Panel
In September 2022, the Heat Pump Technology Panel chose Caroline Haglund Stignor as new leader, taking over from Padraic O’Reilly.
Caroline Haglund Stignor is a Chemical Engineer, with a PhD degree in Heat Transfer, who has more than 20 years’ experience from working with heat pumps in an international context, ranging from research to testing, from standardisation to policy advices.
Caroline works as a Strategic Research Leader for Robust and Flexible Energy Systems at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. In addition, she is one of the co-leaders of the Heat Pump Centre, the communication centre and programme office of the Technology Collaboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT TCP) by IEA, the International Energy Agency. The Heat Pump Centre is hosted by RISE since 2004. Besides managing the centre, she coordinates the TCP’s support with data and review of IEA reports related to heat pumping technologies, coordinates the process of developing new collaborative research projects within the TCP and work with general outreach activities.
She has a long research experience and has led several research projects within the field of heat pumping technologies. The latest being the Swedish contribution to HPT Annex 55 / ES Annex 34 Comfort and Climate Box. In this international collaboration project, she was the work package leader for the development of a Roadmap, including recommendations to several stakeholders. Moreover, she has contributed to the development of Ecodesign and Energy labelling regulations for space heater (including heat pumps) and has been active within standardisation work for heat pumps for more than 10 years.
She has more than 10 years’ experience from management positions at RISE, for example as responsible for the accredited heat pump laboratory.