An event to present the key results of the tender co-financed by the European Commission to support the activities of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC-ETIP) took place on 19th February 2019 in Brussels. You will find all the presentations here   The tender has been running from November 2015, and will finish at the beginning of March 2019. In this three-year period, the partners focused their activities on three main pillars:
  • Technology: analysis of the status of the RHC-technology Roadmaps, in terms of achievements of the targets set by the identified Key performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Industry: analysis of the renewable heating and cooling industry with respect to the fossil fuels industry
  • Consumers: analysis of the barriers and opportunities to facilitate the adoption of RHC-technologies by consumers
  Paola Mazzucchelli, Secretary General of EUREC, and coordinator of the RHC-ETIP’s tender, highlighted the important work that has been carried out in the past three years by the consortium to collect and compare data related to the RHC-sector, not always available on the market. The work has been summarised in the Final Study Report, which will be available after approval by the European Commission in March 2019. This work is paramount in increasing the understanding of the RHC-sector, and the potential for its contribution to the decarbonisation of the EU energy system in the coming years. The consortium is led by EUREC (The Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres), together with Bioenergy Europe for the biomass sector, EGEC for the geothermal sector, EHPA for the heat pump sector, Solar Heat Europe for the solar heating and cooling sector, EURAC, which led the analysis of the heating and cooling industry, VITO and Fraunhofer-ISE for the analysis of the heating and cooling consumers. The five associations, together with EuroHeat & Power, are part of the secretariat of the RHC-ETIP which will use the results of the tender to support the future activities of the RHC-ETIP. To stay updated on the activities of RHC-ETIP subscribe to RHC-ETIP news & events here