National Funding Schemes

EU-27 Financing Schemes for Decarbonising Buildings, Heating, and Cooling

The comprehensive dataset, “EU-27 Country Mapping of Financing Schemes to Decarbonise Buildings, Heating, and Cooling,” provides a detailed, multi-level overview of public and private financing schemes across the EU-27, aimed at supporting building decarbonisation efforts at the European, national, and local levels.

The mapping includes financing schemes across key sectors: building envelope, heating and cooling efficiency, renewable energy for heating and cooling, space cooling, district heating and cooling (DHC), and geothermal district heating and cooling (geoDHC). For each scheme, you’ll find the original title (with English translation), sector-specific details, descriptions, and direct application links.

Watch the video guide that provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to use the dataset:

Reference: Conforto Giulia, Marcus Hummel e al., 2024, “EU-27 Country Mapping of Financing schemes to decarbonize Buildings, Heating and Cooling”: